Are you looking to join a family run business that is fast becoming one of the leading independent private ambulance services in the East of England? We are always looking to expand our passionate and dedicated staffing team, with new staff so please get in touch and fill out the recruitment form and we will be in touch soon!

We are recruiting First Aiders, Ambulance Care Assistants (ACA), Emergency Care Assistants (ECA), Intermediate Ambulance Practitioners (IAP), Emergency Care Support Workers (ECSW), Secure Mental Health Workers, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), Advanced Ambulance Practitioners (AAP), and Paramedics.

Student Paramedics - you are more than welcome here, and our bank contract will suit working around your placements and coursework.

A large number of our medical team lined up with two of our emergency ambulances in the background
Two of our brand new emergency ambulances outside of our office

What qualifications do you accept?

We accept most nationally recognised qualifications from reputable awarding bodies such as QualSafe or FutureQuals.

Some common qualifications we accept are FREC3, FREC4, FREUC5, IAP, AAP, IHCD, and FAW.

Can I apply prior learning (APL)?

Yes - if you have received professional teaching from a reputable source, we can apply this prior learning to a position at EAMC.

This is useful for ex-forces, ex-volunteers, university students, and ex-trust employees.

Do you offer any courses or teaching?

We offer teaching for our specialist mental health roles for candidates that already have a clinical qualification.

Currently we do not offer any clinical training, however this is something we are looking to expand into.

What positions do you have on offer?

All our current positions are bank (zero-hours).

We are always looking to expand our bank staff base, especially for events!